Gut Instincts: Mastering Common GI Complaints in Infants
Gut Instincts: Mastering Common GI Complaints in Infants
Description: Join us for an insightful session for healthcare professionals seeking an in-depth understanding of common gastrointestinal (GI) complaints in infants. This session aims to empower healthcare practitioners with the knowledge and skills needed to recognize, categorize, and effectively manage prevalent GI issues such as colic, constipation, reflux, and blood in the stool. Attendees will leave with tools to manage these complaints and communicate effectively with parents.
When: April 5th 12PM EST/ 9AM PST
Claim CE Credit: Registered Nurses can claim 1.0 CE and is approved for 1.0 CPEU for RDs by the CDR.
This course is designed for all healthcare professionals who support parents and infants.
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider #17763, for 1.0 Contact Hours.

Hear from expert pediatricians and learn new skills to take back to your practice!
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